Take a Transport to Another World

Bonus Material and Blog Posts
Note: While some of the posts in this section contain additional material about the setting in which my stories occur, that information is subject to change when I write the stories themselves.

Minecraft Adventures

I’ve recreated several buildings from my stories in Minecraft. One of the more recent buildings I recreated is the hive on Kaprolen. In the stories, the hive is essentially an entire city contained in a single building. Naturally, the Minecraft recreation is much smaller, however,…

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New covers

I’ve redone my covers. I tried to keep the same color schemes I’d previously used, while doing away with the solid color covers. A video I watched recently discussed book covers and I thought my covers looked dull. I find these more attractive. Compare to…

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Story Links:

Bloodlines Series

Note: I no longer upload entire stories to my Google Docs drive. Instead, I upload teasers. Once a story has been published in a book, I remove that story teaser from my Google Docs drive.

Bloodlines Book 1: Clan

Contains Inheritance, Ascension, Escalation, Conflict, Aftermath, and Secrets.

Bloodlines Book 2: Frontier

Contains Broken and Arrival.

Bloodlines Book 3: Complications

Contains Stolen, Beginnings, Rumors, and Puppet.

Bloodlines Book 3.5: Passage

Contains Trader, Slaver, Warlord, Scavenger, Boss, Thief, and Artifact.

Bloodlines Book 4: Family

Contains Awakenings, Motherless, and Birthright.

Bloodlines Book 5: Intrigue

Contains Connections, Reunion, Relapse, Abomination, Return, Burdens, and Calling.

Bloodlines Book 6: Legends

Contains Endings, Wolf, and Legacy.

Bloodlines Book 7: Destiny

Hybrid, Reprisal, Changeling, and Beloved

Bloodlines Book 8 – Observances: Pilgrimage (In Progress)

Renie explains mirkith history to her grandchildren.

Bloodlines Book 8 – Bloodlines-Observances: Redemption

Terusin gets some troubling news.

Bloodlines Book 8 – Observances: Throwback

A tale of two brothers.

Bloodlines Book 8 – Observances: Harvest

Volan and Khanta make their home on a hostile planet.

Bloodlines Book 8 – Observances: Vengeance (Concept)

Taev and her people settle in a new home.

Bloodlines Book 9 – Unnamed: Colony (Concept)

A colony ship is sent to the stars.

Story Pictures on Artbreeder and Imgur

Notes:  I modify the pictures after I download them, so the images on Artbreeder are the raw images and the ones on Imgur have been modified.  I change eye colors and add customizations (such as scars, tusks, etc) after downloading the pictures. I make new pictures on Artbreeder almost every day.

My Imgur album became much too large for easy viewing, so I divided it into multiple albums. From now on, the Imgur pictures can be found in the following albums:

Artifacts and Species: Updated 12/7/2023
Covers & Misc Files: Updated 3/21/2024
Story Characters: Updated 12/22/2023
Story Landscapes: Updated 11/30/2022
Story Maps: Updated 12/7/2023

Note: Recently, Imgur has become unreliable, so from now on, while I’ll still upload my images to Imgur when I can, I plan to upload important images (such as my book covers) in blog posts here.

Regarding language used: I’ve substituted certain words for others in my stories.  For example, I use the word “vish” (short for “ravish”) instead of “rape.”  Most of the “swear words” used by characters in my stories are also made up words.  Context may provide meaning for some of these words and I do define others, but given that swear words in the real world are often used without care for what they actually mean, I don’t see any reason to provide definitions for my entire list of fake swear words.

I do this (in part) because I share my stories with prison inmates, so someone reads the stories before the inmates are allowed to have them. The people who read the prisoners’ mail have marked stories as “contraband” because of certain words, so I replaced those words with synonyms or made up slang words and kept those changes after I was ready to publish.

General Notes: I try to keep violence and sex scenes non-graphic and leave as much to the imagination as possible.  The story setting my characters live in is not safe but I did my best to keep potential triggers as non-explicit and “off camera” as possible.  I haven’t included trigger warnings because it’s not always easy for me to recognize when something would be a problem for someone else to read about.  Writing these stories is a catharsis for me and I put the characters through a lot.  Some stories are darker than others (looking at you, Awakenings).  I try to have a thread of hope and touches of humor running through the narratives, but can’t promise that will be enough to enable some readers to handle the darkness.

I’ve added a table at the end of each book with a list of the characters that either appear in the stories or are mentioned by name.  These lists only include characters that are mentioned by name.  Character names that appear in more than one story are the same character.  When a name is used for more than one character, it’s numbered.  For example: Davia (1) is Korander Moraven’s mistress and Davia (2) is their daughter. Note: If it’s obvious which numbered character is in a given story, I leave the number off.

Each story can be read by itself without reading any of the others, but if you read them out of order, you will encounter spoilers.  There are some stories that are not in chronological order.  These contain potential spoilers for some of the other stories.

About Me:

Mae Tanner is a storyteller who has been telling stories since she was a teenager. An avid reader, she’s accumulated an eclectic assortment of trivia. During her life, she’s had multiple pets and has immortalized several in her stories. She was born and raised in Juneau, Alaska, but has since moved to Oregon, where she lives with her cats. The books she’s published are available on Amazon.