Minecraft Adventures

Minecraft Mice

I’ve recreated several buildings from my stories in Minecraft. One of the more recent buildings I recreated is the hive on Kaprolen.

In the stories, the hive is essentially an entire city contained in a single building. Naturally, the Minecraft recreation is much smaller, however, it gives me an idea of layout.

Once I had the main building completed, I started working on the tunnels and caverns connected to the lowest level of the hive.

I’ve gotten several addons for Minecraft. One of these addons adds pets to the game and among the pets added, is mice. The pets spawn randomly in the world and some spawned inside the building. A beige mouse followed me into the secret tunnels while a friend was watching and she recommended that I tame it and make it sit down there (because it makes sense for mice to be down there).

I’d previously tamed a black mouse and after ordering the beige mouse to sit in the secret room, I tamed a white mouse, so I brought them down there too.

Something clicked in my mind and I sought out a brown mouse to join the other mice. I used tags to give each mouse a name.

The addon that adds pets to the game also includes outfits that the pets can wear, so I put suitable outfits on the mice. Above is a picture of the mice, wearing their outfits, and sitting in a corner of the secret room.

New covers

New Kindle Covers

I’ve redone my covers. I tried to keep the same color schemes I’d previously used, while doing away with the solid color covers. A video I watched recently discussed book covers and I thought my covers looked dull. I find these more attractive.

Compare to the old covers:

Old Kindle Covers

Imgur was been unusable for several days, so I uploaded the new covers for my physical books here. On March 20 Imgur came back up long enough for me to upload the new covers there. I’ll still keep them here, though, since I no longer trust Imgur to be available.

New Clan Cover
New Frontier Cover
New Complications Cover
New Passage Cover
New Family Cover
New Intrigue Cover
New Legends Cover
New Destiny Cover
Future Observances Cover

YouTube vs. Ad Blockers

YouTube recently decided to wage war on ad blockers. If you have an ad blocker installed, you’ll get a pop-up warning you to disable it or you won’t be able to watch videos on YouTube.

Unfortunately, YouTube ads are extremely intrusive and annoying. While we can skip some (after watching a few seconds of the ad), others cannot. They also show up in the middle of the video and sometimes you get two or three ads in a row. On top of that, when you get an ad that you can skip, at the end of the ad, the video doesn’t start until you actually click the “skip ads” button, so you can’t just start a video and let it play.

I normally use the Brave browser, which has an ad blocker built right in. I have no issue using it on most sites and had previously used it to enjoy an ad free experience on YouTube. Normally, I prefer to watch videos on Rumble, but Rumble doesn’t have all the video content I’ve been watching on YouTube, so I’m still watching the occasional video on YouTube. The other day, when I went to YouTube to watch videos, I couldn’t use the site until I allowed ads.

At first, it wasn’t too bad. The ads only showed up at the start of the videos and I could skip them all. Then the ads that couldn’t be skipped started showing up. That was followed by ads showing up in the middle of videos. Next, the ad breaks in the middle of the videos increased in number. Eventually, it got to where the ads took up more time than the videos themselves.

I started trying multiple methods to skip the ads that can’t be skipped. I found that if I refreshed the page, the site would think it had played out. If I watched videos embedded on offsite pages, they played without the ads. I found a couple ad blockers for the Brave browser that worked at first, but then stopped working. This left me with trying to refresh the page to skip the intrusive and annoying ads. Then, refreshing the page became annoying in and of itself.

I can’t afford a YouTube subscription and have an innate repulsion to subscriptions anyway, so I started using a program called 4k Video Downloader and watching the videos with my computer’s video player. I’d previously only used this program to download music videos and convert them to MP3s with another program from the same source. Downloading takes time, though, especially for long videos, and the free version only allows you to download 30 videos a day (which was fine as long as I only used the program to download the occasional music video to convert to an MP3).

It was at this point that videos about YouTube’s war on ad blockers started showing up on YouTube. On one of these videos, the content creator mentioned the browsers used to watch videos made a difference and recommended Firefox with the uBlock Origin extension. I hadn’t used Firefox since I’d switched to Brave, but I was at the point where I was willing to do pretty much anything. I now watch YouTube videos using Firefox.

Observances Cover Design

Redemption, Throwback, Pilgrimage, Vengeance

This is the design for the cover of Observances. I’m really pleased with the final image.

The ‘mask’ on the cover represents the scarves the mirkith wear around their faces.

Destiny is Now Published

Hybrid, Reprisal, Changeling, Beloved

I published Destiny today. I was doing an editing run and realized that I had too many stories in it, so I cut the three extra stories (I’ll publish those in my next book). The four remaining stories bring the page count to a comfortable range.

Beloved, the last story in Destiny, has two parts to it. One set in the distant past, the other in the current timeline, so technically, it counts as two stories.

Follow-Up Doctor Appointments

I had two appointments this week. On Tuesday, I had an in person visit with the doctor in Bend. I arranged for transportation and a few days before, I got a call from the driver, who told me that I’d have to share the ride and he’d need to pick me up at 8 instead of 10.

On the way to Bend, we saw a coyote in a pasture near some horses that was looking at a couple cows.

We dropped off the other passenger in Redmond and got to Bend a couple hours before my appointment.

They took my vitals and then the doctor came in and basically told me that the cancer had been in stage 1 and they got all of it, so I won’t need chemo or radiation therapy. I think it could have been done via video.

My driver picked me up and we headed to Redmond. We had time before we needed to pick up the other passenger. He took me to the Dollar Tree and I bought a few items. As we drove through town, I saw a tiny car that might have been the one I’d seen in John Day previously.

On the way home, we saw some pronghorns.

We got back to John Day around 7 pm. It was a long day.

On Thursday, I had a video appointment with the surgeon who performed the surgery. He basically told me the same thing as the other doctor.

Adventures in Health

I had time to do my weekly shopping before my ride picked me up Saturday morning.

As I was out and about, I saw two deer in town. This is actually fairly common, a few years ago, I saw a buck bedded down in my yard.

At the stop light, I spotted a tiny car that looked more like a child’s toy than a functional vehicle. I don’t think it even had a back seat and aren’t sure if it even had a passenger seat.

The ride to Redmond was nice. There was just enough overcast that it was on the cool side.

I spotted my hotel from a distance. It has a tower with the name of the hotel blazoned on it. Check in was quick and painless. My room was the second on the right just down the hallway.

I started my clear liquids diet Saturday. I’d had my home care worker prepare some lemon Jell-O for me and packed them in an insulated lunch cooler with four frozen gel packs. The gel packs were still frozen when I stored the containers of Jell-O in my room’s mini-fridge. I’d split the Jell-O into four containers that fit into the cooler perfectly.

I wake up several times during the night and Saturday night was no exception. During the night, I heard a rhythmic rumbling from the next room. Someone next door must have been snoring. They must have checked out the following day, because there wasn’t any snoring Sunday night.

Monday morning, my ride was waiting for me when I left my room.

I’m pretty fuzzy about the rest of Monday and most of Tuesday, but Wednesday morning, I was visited by a therapy dog. The dog’s muzzle was very gray, but her handler told me that she was only nine years old.

Wednesday night, they took me off oxygen, but when they checked my vitals on Thursday morning; my blood oxygen had dropped to 80%, so they put me back on it and ordered a CAT scan. The CAT scan found small blood clots in my lungs. Note: Since they were remodeling that part of the hospital, they had the CAT scan machine parked outside in a semi.

I was on a clear liquids diet until Wednesday, when they switched me to full liquids.

They had planned to release me on Friday, but after they found the blood clots, they changed that to the following Monday.

They took the heart monitor off Thursday afternoon. They’re going to mail me one of those test monitors like the one I got when I went to the ER.

Sometime Thursday night, I called for the nurse to help with something (I was so sleepy that I don’t remember what). When I made the call though, I mentioned something about how sleepy I was. I think I made a new word: “Drozing” (a cross between drowsing and dozing).

On Friday, they changed my diet to surgical soft. Later that day, they took the wound vac off my surgical site. It had been irritating me.

Meals in the hospital were bland and (once they took me off liquids) often cold and dry. The hospital in Redmond shared a room service arrangement with the one in Bend. On one or two occasions, they sent the meal I ordered to the Bend hospital by mistake. I hope the person in Bend who had the same room number as I did enjoyed their extra meals.

They tried to get a ride for me Monday morning between 10:00 and 11:00 am, but could only get one at 2:00 pm. When he arrived, it was the same driver that brought me from the hotel to the hospital. He had a second passenger and we stopped by McDonalds, where he bought each of us a treat (I chose a small vanilla milkshake).

Edit: Stuff I Forgot the First Time Around

When the nurse put in my IV line on Monday, he had difficulty. First, he tried to put it in my right forearm, but hit what the nurses called a ‘valve’ and blew it. I now have a lovely bruise on that arm. Then, he tried my left hand, but ran into the same problem (this time, I didn’t develop a bruise). Finally, he put it in my right wrist.

A nurse later told me that tall people such as myself tend to have a lot of valves because the veins need to work harder against gravity than the veins of shorter people.

A day or two after they stopped giving me IV fluids, they had to take it out because it failed when they tested it. The nurse had to try twice to get this one in (leaving a smaller bruise on my left arm). This time, they put it in my left forearm. They didn’t use it once before I was released from the hospital.

A woman came by to show me a whole bunch of tools (including a grabber of a style I’ve been eying at the local drugstore) that I can use to help myself with various chores. She then left and took the tools with her.

While taking my blood pressure, one nurse told me that my arms are very skinny.

While I was in the hospital, they gave me a plastic device to use to exercise my lungs. I’m supposed to empty my lungs and breath in through a tube. This causes a button to go up and a pump to measure how much air I breath in. Most of the time, I could only get the pump to the 500 mark, but a few times I got it to the 1,000 mark, and very rarely, I was able to get it to the line between 1,000 and 1,500 marks. Once, I even got it to the 1,500 itself. I’m supposed to keep using that device at home.

Beginning Wednesday, the nurses took me for walks in the hall. That first day, they drew three boxes on the white board at the foot of my bed. They took me for two walks. The second day, they decided to reuse the boxes. That day, they took me for one walk. It wasn’t until the third day that I finally got three walks.

On Saturday, the nurse who took me for my third walk drew a fourth box on the white board. None of the nurses took me for another walk.

On Sunday, they let me go for walks by myself. I took seven walks, and before I left on Monday, I got another five walks in.

Destiny Preview

Destiny: Hybrid, Reprisal, Outpost, Changeling, Beloved, Throwback.

I published a preview of Destiny on July 4, 2023. It contains Hybrid, Reprisal, and Changeling (the stories I’ve finished writing), plus as much of Beloved as I’ve completed. I’ve also included placeholders for the story concepts I haven’t started writing yet. I’ve since come up with another story concept (Pilgrimage) that I will include in the final book if there’s room for it.

I don’t know how long it will take before I finish writing all the stories for this book. One reason I decided to publish the preview is because I’ve been diagnosed with cancer and thought that this way I could be sure to share what I’ve already completed. In addition, I’ve listed all my books in the front of each of the books I’ve already published and included Destiny among them. It would make me sad if someone wanted to buy all my books and was unable to find them all.

I’ve priced the preview at 99¢. Once I finish the stories and the book is complete, I’ll publish the paperback and hardcover editions and the price of the kindle edition will go up to $5.

Price Changes

KDP is increasing the printing costs of the physical books on or around June 10th. I will therefore need to change the prices of my books to keep the royalties I earn from them the same.

I don’t know yet what the new printing costs will be, and will leave the prices for my books the same until after the printing costs have changed.

Passage is Now Published

Passage: Trader, Slaver, Warlord, Scavenger, Boss, Thief, Artifact

I published Passage today. The kindle edition is already available on Amazon. The hardcover and paperback editions are still in review. I hope they get published in time to have the same publishing date as the kindle edition.

The stories in this book detail what happened to Kasy’s carving of Janex and an urfren after she traded it. Kasy’s story was published in Complications.